Message from MASH chairman Dennis Fowle

MASH is here to support the 250,000 or so people of Maidstone and area in their desire to retain core services in Maidstone Hospital and, secondly, to campaign for high quality hospital services and care.

In times of reconfiguration by the NHS of hospital services and financial stringency successes do not come easily for MASH and our supporters and we are angry and disappointed to lose so much from Maidstone Hospital.  In the last few years we have lost women’s and children’s services and emergency and orthopaedic surgery.

We are appalled that Maidstone women in labour face journeys of around 16 miles over unsatisfactory rural roads, often taking an hour to reach Pembury.

The situation for children, their parents and families causes deep concerns too – especially as the five-day 8am--8pm day centre at Maidstone is seen as inadequate.

We always saw the journeys as the main problem but as Pembury Hospital opened complaints grew substantially about very serious delays both in arranging bookings and at the hospital.  At the same time many were complaining about the standard of care prior to and after operations etc.

MASH aims to work with the trust as we try to achieve our aims.  The good news is that the campaign for the return of the chronic pain unit to Maidstone Hospital has been successful and the trust listens to our concerns.

We attend most trust board meetings and regularly ask searching questions.

We accept trust statements that it sees Maidstone Hospital growing and having a busy long-term future and that Maidstone will have a full A&E service apart from the transferred trauma cases.  But past experiences have taught us too to be very cautious.

We are here to receive YOUR comments and complaints and this website will help you.  If you wish to report hospital concerns or compliments just hit the ‘contact us’ button at the top of this page.

Dennis Fowle, Chairman, MASH